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Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5

Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5
Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5
Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5
Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5
Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5
Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5
Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5
Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5

The SC4 is perfect for the demanding woodturner, being capable of holding large work pieces yet possessing the precision and compactness to handle more delicate work. This model features an enclosed back with full indexing plate and has pinions driven by a long ball ended hex key to make access easy, even when large work pieces are mounted. 

This has a larger body as it features integral pinions to drive the scroll ring, giving the benefit of being able to use a ball-end hex key for easier operation. It also offers the option of adding aftermarket hex keys with longer shafts if you have particularly large work mounted. A backing plate keeps the pinions in place and features indexing holes as well as keeping all the internal mechanisms much better protected from dust and resin so the requirement for maintenance and cleaning is much reduced. Perhaps most importantly, this chuck is manufactured as an ‘insert’ chuck. This provides the user the opportunity to use the chuck on more than one lathe with different thread spindles by simply changing the low cost insert rather than requiring an additional body. An insert also provides future proofing so that any machine upgrades will not require a new chuck even if the spindle thread changes, just a change of insert.

Supplied complete with deep wood screw, standard jaws and 87 mm faceplate, this package offers professional performance at an exceptionally affordable price.

SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck
62313 50 mm Standard Jaws
62833 Deep Wood Screw
62826 8 mm Ball Hex Key
62825 Universal Wrench
62572 87 mm (3 ½”) Faceplate Ring

The price-quality ratio of the Record SC4 chuck is the best on the market and a large number of chin options can be found. The jaws are compatible with e.g. Nova with the G3 and G4, and Robert Sorby's Patriot chucks.

Brand:    Record Power

Lathe Chucks:    Lathe chucks

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Toivon jonain päivänä sorvata työkseni, joten tein kotiläksyt kunnolla ja halusin ammattilaislaatua - huonosta työkalusta tulee vaan paha mieli. Päädyin tähän SC4-sarjaan siksi, että sen rakenne on suljettu, joten istukan sisään ei mene mitään tauhkaa, joka vaatisi jossain vaiheessa puhdistamista ja huoltamista. Kannattaa myös olla tarkkana - tässä versiossa on suoraan M33 kierre, joten ei tarvitse askarrella minkään inserttien kanssa. Myyjän mukaan M33 on muodostumassa vallitsevaksi joten kun minulla ei ole vanhoja välineitä, niin yhteensopivuusongelmia ei tule. Lisäksi samaa tasoa löytyy SC2 mini-istukka, jonka kanssa yhteensopivuus tämän kanssa (SC1 on inserttiversio ja sopii SC3 kanssa). Paketti oli järkiostos, kaikki tarvittava kerralla olemassa. Suosittelen!

Record - SC4 Professional Geared Scroll Chuck Package - M33x3,5

€ 214,50
excl. vat: € 170.92
Number: 62065
Estimated delivery: 1-3 days
You'll get 42.9 rewardpoints
€ 214,50
/. Observe! Minimum order amount is 12,00 !
Monthly installment:16.2
Leasing time:
Final acquisition price:70
Only for companies. Requires VAT-number.

The calculations are based on the Grenke leasing price list, which does not include insurance. Insurance is compulsory and the customer can either purchase their own insurance or take it out with the same contract. Leasing financing is only granted to companies with a valid business ID.

Lease period 12-72 months.

Leasing prices VAT 0.

Option to redeem at the end for your own final delivery price, which will be shown under the product and in the summary. The minimum final delivery price is 70€ VAT 0.

After placing an order with leasing financing, you will receive within 1-2 days by email the contracts for electronic signature.

If you wish to use your own insurance, the leasing company will require a certificate of insurance showing the following:

  • Name of company
  • Insurance policy number
  • Information that the equipment under contract is insured, or information that the company has property insurance
  • Name/logo of insurance company
  • Insurance is in force/date of certificate of insurance
  • Insurance amount covers the value of the contract (month amount x time)

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