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Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT

Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT
Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT
Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT
Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT
Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT
Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT
Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT
Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT

The DML250 is a compact and extremely well built machine that offers excellent performance and exceptional value for money. The finely ground cast iron bed, along with the cast iron headstock, tailstock and tool rest, greatly reduce vibration and provide ample strength for the lathe to cope with heavy duty work. The capacities of this machine and its overall size make it a perfect choice for the smaller workshop. It is also ideal as a second lathe for regular use on small work and its portability means it can be used at demonstrations and shows.

Key Features

  • Cast Iron Bed
  • Extendable Bed Length
  • Bench Mountable

Optional Fitments

  • Legstand
  • Bed Extension


  • Maximum bowl diameter: 254 mm (10")
  • Maximum between centres: 457 mm (18")
  • Maximum swing over bed: 254 mm (10")
  • Spindle speeds: 500, 1175, 1850, 2225 and 3200 rpm
  • Motor input P1: 0.375 kW
  • Motor output P2: 0.25 kW
  • Thread: M33 x 3.5
  • Taper: 2 Morse taper
  • Weight: 34 kg
  • Size: L905 x D285 x H385 mm

Brand:    Record Power

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Hintansa arvoinen pikkusorvi
Record DML250 tekee työnsä asiallisesti ja todella tarkasti. Se on selkeästi pikkusorvi, joka pidennyspedin kanssa sopii erilaisten pienojen ja jalkojen sorvaamiseen erinomaisesti. Pienemmät kappaleet onnistuvat sorvipakalla myös hyvin. Käyttöönotto on selkeää, mikäli on yhtään sorvien kanssa ollut tekemisissä. Omassa kappaleessa nelihampainen vetokärki oli sitkeässä kiinni ja vaati lievää väkivaltaa, että irtosi. Vaatii pöydän tai jämerän pukin alleen, mutta useimmiten sellainen verstaalta löytyy. Helppo nostaa hyllyyn käytön päätteeksi ja erityisesti pienissä tiloissa puoltaa paikkansa. Jos jotain jäin kaipaamaan, niin pidempi sorvaustuki olisi hyvä apuväline pidemmille töille. Tosin sellaisen onnistuu tekemään itsekin, jos hitsi pysyy käsissä. Omani on työn alla paraikaa. Tällä sorvilla on helppo tehdä puuttuvat jalat lipastoihin ja uudet pienat entisöitäviin tuoleihin. Hintansa arvoinen ostos.

Record - DML250 Cast Iron Mini Lathe - 250mm Swing - M33 2MT

€ 403,50
excl. vat: € 321.51
Number: 15002
Estimated delivery: 1-3 days
You'll get 80.7 rewardpoints
Chucks *
Sorvin lisäosat
Lathe Toolrests ( 3/4" / 19mm Stem)
Quick chuck for column drills and lathes - MK2
Monthly installment:30.47
Leasing time:
Final acquisition price:70
Only for companies. Requires VAT-number.

The calculations are based on the Grenke leasing price list, which does not include insurance. Insurance is compulsory and the customer can either purchase their own insurance or take it out with the same contract. Leasing financing is only granted to companies with a valid business ID.

Lease period 12-72 months.

Leasing prices VAT 0.

Option to redeem at the end for your own final delivery price, which will be shown under the product and in the summary. The minimum final delivery price is 70€ VAT 0.

After placing an order with leasing financing, you will receive within 1-2 days by email the contracts for electronic signature.

If you wish to use your own insurance, the leasing company will require a certificate of insurance showing the following:

  • Name of company
  • Insurance policy number
  • Information that the equipment under contract is insured, or information that the company has property insurance
  • Name/logo of insurance company
  • Insurance is in force/date of certificate of insurance
  • Insurance amount covers the value of the contract (month amount x time)
Record - DML250 Valurautainen Mini Sorvi – 250mm - M33 2MT

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