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Fine adjustment to ensure the fence is perfectly parallel to the blade isquick andeasy with the SABRE fence, thanks to theintuitivecam-action mechanism. The micro-adjustment feature allows the fenceto be positionedexactly whereit’sneededalong the sturdy solid steel fence mount, ensuring highlyaccuratecutting.
Side and rear dust extraction ports provide effective protection from harmful wood dust. The 2.5” (63 mm) diameter side port is compatible with standardCamVac2.5” hose and the 4” (100 mm) rear port features aCamVac-compatible bayonet fitting which is alsosuitable for usewith standard 4” hose andfixings.
Dynamically balanced and heavy, the band wheels have been designed to concentrate their weight to the periphery, providing plenty of momentum to create a flywheel effect during use whilst not impeding the cutting speed of the machine through excess bulk. This helps maximise the power and effectiveness of the bandsaw andreduces strain on the motor for a longer lifespan.
The upper blade guides are mounted on atoolpostand this is housed on the SABRE machines in a solid cast iron mount. Thisgivesaccurateand parallel movement of the upper guides, which move on a sturdy rack and pinion system. This mount is much better thanthose found on lower quality machines,which clamp thetoolpostto the bandsaw frame,which is a non-machined fabrication. The SABRE mount is a solid, independent mount with fixing bolts and jacking screws, to always ensure accuracy.
Machined to ensure flatness andminimisefriction – these solid tables also feature the increasinglystandardised19/24mm T-shapemitreslots for a wide range of compatible fences and accessories. In addition, the side and rear of the tables are machined and pre-drilled to accept the SABRE table extension.
Most bandsawwheels onlyhave flat profiles and flattyreswhich can lead to earlytyrewear and do not aid tracking. Crownedtyresor crowned wheels help the blade run naturally in thecentreof the wheel and raise the blade,tominimisecontact between blade teeth and bandsawtyres. On the SABRErangethis radius is machined into the casting to offer a permanent solution that cannot wear down and will remain consistent, even when changingtyres.
The strength of theframes,theadditionalribbing and the dynamically balanced band wheels enable the SABRE range to run up to 1,000metresper minute – around 20% faster than most other machines on the market. This helps them cut faster and results in a better finish when using coarser blades,which are oftenrequiredfor deep material,to clear enough waste during the cut.
Brand: Record Power
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The calculations are based on the Grenke leasing price list, which does not include insurance. Insurance is compulsory and the customer can either purchase their own insurance or take it out with the same contract. Leasing financing is only granted to companies with a valid business ID.
Lease period 12-72 months.
Leasing prices VAT 0.
Option to redeem at the end for your own final delivery price, which will be shown under the product and in the summary. The minimum final delivery price is 70€ VAT 0.
After placing an order with leasing financing, you will receive within 1-2 days by email the contracts for electronic signature.
If you wish to use your own insurance, the leasing company will require a certificate of insurance showing the following:
Machine is delivered with 12mm general purpose blade. We recommend to have pack of good quality Record blades that opens all possibilities like fine cutting and rip cutting.
The SABRE range of bandsaws are the next evolutionary step from the highly regarded and market-leading Record Power premium bandsaws. We have built on the success of our premium range by introducing some fantastic new features to the SABRE-350 to make a bandsaw that is more effective, accurate and easier to use than any other machine in its class. Featuring an 1100 W output (1 1/2 horsepower) motor coupled with the heavy-duty cast iron band wheels, the SABRE-350 packs a real punch and can handle cuts to its full capacity with ease. The two speeds, which are slightly faster than comparable machines, make it ideal for cutting non-ferrous metals as well as wood. The cam-action fence adjustment, spring-loaded guides, cam-action blade tension release and double-sided fence mount make this a machine that is so easy to setup and use it leaves you free to concentrate fully on the project at hand.
Please note: Optional mitre fence available soon.
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