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Record - Magnetic LED Work Light with Flexible Neck

Record - Magnetic LED Work Light with Flexible Neck
Record - Magnetic LED Work Light with Flexible Neck
Record - LED työvalo työstökoneille - Magneettijalalla (AA-paristo / Lithium, USB virransyöttö)

Brand:    Record Power

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Takamagneetti on voimakas ja lamppu pysyy sillä jämäkästi ja valaisee hyvin. Toimii.

Record - Magnetic LED Work Light with Flexible Neck

€ 41,95
excl. vat: € 33.43
Number: 59000
Estimated delivery: 1-3 days
You'll get 8.39 rewardpoints
Lamppuun suoraan sopiva ladattava akku. (Akkua voi ladata suoraan lampussa mukana tulevalla micro-USB johdolla)
Monthly installment:3.17
Leasing time:
Final acquisition price:70
Only for companies. Requires VAT-number.

The calculations are based on the Grenke leasing price list, which does not include insurance. Insurance is compulsory and the customer can either purchase their own insurance or take it out with the same contract. Leasing financing is only granted to companies with a valid business ID.

Lease period 12-72 months.

Leasing prices VAT 0.

Option to redeem at the end for your own final delivery price, which will be shown under the product and in the summary. The minimum final delivery price is 70€ VAT 0.

After placing an order with leasing financing, you will receive within 1-2 days by email the contracts for electronic signature.

If you wish to use your own insurance, the leasing company will require a certificate of insurance showing the following:

  • Name of company
  • Insurance policy number
  • Information that the equipment under contract is insured, or information that the company has property insurance
  • Name/logo of insurance company
  • Insurance is in force/date of certificate of insurance
  • Insurance amount covers the value of the contract (month amount x time)
This powerful work lamp is a perfect addition to any workshop. The long flexible neck allows it to be positioned to illuminate even the most hard-to-reach areas and get rid of troublesome shadows, giving a clear view of the work in progress. To further increase the lamp’s flexibility, a sliding collar on the lamp head allows either a spotlight or floodlight beam to be created. The strong magnetic base and magnetic side clip mean the light can be secured virtually anywhere on a machine. It can be powered by standard AA batteries, a rechargeable lithium battery or directly from the mains via the USB cable (using a 5 V, 1 A USB plug adaptor). This lamp gives hours of uninterrupted use and is ideal for a wide variety of machines such as scroll saws, bandsaws, sharpening machines, lathes and many more.
  • Magnetic base
  • Magnetic side clip
  • AA and Lithium battery holders
  • Micro USB-A cable

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