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Festool - Pull-out drawer SYS-AZ-MW 1000

Festool - Pull-out drawer SYS-AZ-MW 1000
Festool - Pull-out drawer SYS-AZ-MW 1000
Festool - Pull-out drawer SYS-AZ-MW 1000
Festool - Pull-out drawer SYS-AZ-MW 1000

Tekniset tiedot

  • Mitat (p x l x k) 493 x 373 x 118 mm
  • Vetolaatikon kantokyky 20 kg
  • Paino 3.2 kg

Kiinnitys työkaluitta ja yksilöllisesti säädettävä korkeus. Kokonaan ulosvedettävä hylly mahdollistaa SYSTAINER-kannen avaamisen ääriasentoon. Näin koneet, tarvikkeet ja käsityökalut ovat nopeasti ja helposti käyttövalmiina. Hylly on tarkoitettu SYSTAINER-salkkujen säilytykseen. Kädensija laatikon helppoon sisääntyöntöön ja ulosvetoon. Keskuslukitus turvalliseen kuljetukseen

kiinnitys työkaluitta ja yksilöllisesti säädettävä korkeus

Brand:    Festool

Type:    Vetolaatikko

Sort / Compatibility:    SYS-AZ

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Festool - Pull-out drawer SYS-AZ-MW 1000

€ 106,50
excl. vat: € 84.86
Number: 203456
Estimated delivery: 3-5 Business days
You'll get 10.65 rewardpoints
Festool RahoitusPLUS - leasing
Monthly installment:2.76
Leasing time: 36 months
Final acquisition price:8.59
Only for companies. Requires VAT-number.
  • Minimum leasing amount € 25.70 / month.
  • VAT is added to the monthly installment and final redemption price
  • Leasing can only be granted to companies.
  • The customer must have the right to acquire / sign in the company.
  • After placing the order, you will receive a contract paper in your e-mail within 1-2 days, which must be signed electronically with your own online banking ID.
  • Redemption of tools for yourself after the rental period with a low residual value.
  • Standard leasing period 36 months, also available for shorter periods.
  • all leasing prices without VAT

Strengths and benefits

  • Tool-free attachment and customised height adjustment
  • Complete removal enables full opening of Systainer covers for quick and easy access to machines, accessories and hand tools
  • Pull-out base for Systainer storage
  • Recessed handle for easy pushing in and pulling out
  • Central locking for secure hold during transportation

Main areas of use

  • Quick access to machines, hand tools and consumables
  • Pull-out drawer for complete opening of the Systainer lid
  • Pull-out base for Systainer storage – safe storage even during transportation thanks to locking

Adapted for

  • for MW 1000 mobile workshop

  • tool-free attachment and customised height adjustment

, in carton

Warranty all-inclusive--> Find out more

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