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Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg

Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg
Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg

Key Features

Easy-Adjust Sliding Block Blade Guides

The sliding block blade guides can be easily adjustedwithout the need for toolsand provide extensive blade support.They are designed to disperse the heat build-up on the blade during use,reducing blade fatigue andensuringyour blades last longer.

Cam-Action Fence Alignment and Micro-Adjustment Positioning

Fine adjustment to ensure the fence is perfectly parallel to the blade isquick andeasy with the SABRE fence, thanks to theintuitivecam-action mechanism. The micro-adjustment feature allows the fenceto be positionedexactly whereit’sneededalong the sturdy solid steel fence mount, ensuring highlyaccuratecutting.

Dust Extraction Advancements

Side and rear dust extraction ports provide effective protection from harmful wood dust. The 2.5” (63 mm) diameter side port is compatible with standardCamVac2.5” hose and the 4” (100 mm) rear port features aCamVac-compatible bayonet fitting which is alsosuitable for usewith standard 4” hose andfixings.

Heavy-Duty Cast Iron Band Wheels

Dynamically balanced and heavy, the band wheels have been designed to concentrate their weight to the periphery, providing plenty of momentum to create a flywheel effect during use whilst not impeding the cutting speed of the machine through excess bulk. This helps maximise the power and effectiveness of the bandsaw andreduces strain on the motor for a longer lifespan.

Cam-Action Blade Tension Adjustment

Release and reapply blade tension instantly using the cam-action handle. This makes changing blade simple and fast and if the new blade is the same as the old, the correct tension can be instantly reapplied on fitment.

Double-Sided Fence Mount

The unique fence mount design allows the fence to be placed to the right-hand side of the blade, with the fence extrusion secured on the opposite side of the mount. Ideal when making mitre cuts, to support the timber when the table is tilted.

Heavy-Duty Cast Trunnion

This industrial-style trunnion gives rock-solid support to the table and can be easily adjusted up to 45º using the substantial rack-and-pinion system and locked firmly in place with the large and easily accessible locking lever.

45º Table Stop

Quickly and easily set the table angle to 45º every time with this simple-but-effective stop.

Single-Point Fence Included

The single-point fence is easily installed to the rip fence and can be used when re-sawing long pieces – the timber pivots on the fence to compensate for grain variations in the wood to avoid the cut wandering.

Lower Cabinet Dust Cap

Designed to reduce airflow leakage into the main cabinet, improving overall extraction efficiency.

Integral Cabinet Base

The cabinet provides useful storage space for tools and timber.

Heavy Duty Tensioning System

If you know your blade is in good condition, then the mostlikely causefor bladewanderisinsufficientblade tension. The systems in the SABRE range are very heavy-duty and designed to apply more than enough tension for any width of blade that can beaccommodated.

Useful Height Guide

Whilst we always advise to ‘measure twice and cut once’ – the blade guards on the SABRE range include a scale toindicatecutting height. It is a useful and quick reference for setting the guides to the required height before making final adjustments.

Deep Fence Extrusion

Thedeep,heavy-duty fences of the SABRE-350 and SABRE-450provideexceptional support to large, heavy timbers.

Easy Fence Movement

A nylon padfitted to thefence underside ensuresit glides smoothlyand easilyacross the full table surface and over theMitreslots.

Full-Length Fence Rail with Laser-Marked Scale

The length of the rail means the fence can be used on either side of the blade without repositioning the rail. The laser-marked scale ensures a long-lasting reference for the lifetime of the machine.

Cast Iron Toolpost Mount

The upper blade guides are mounted on atoolpostand this is housed on the SABRE machines in a solid cast iron mount. Thisgivesaccurateand parallel movement of the upper guides, which move on a sturdy rack and pinion system. This mount is much better thanthose found on lower quality machines,which clamp thetoolpostto the bandsaw frame,which is a non-machined fabrication. The SABRE mount is a solid, independent mount with fixing bolts and jacking screws, to always ensure accuracy.

Cast Iron Precision-Ground Tables

Machined to ensure flatness andminimisefriction – these solid tables also feature the increasinglystandardised19/24mm T-shapemitreslots for a wide range of compatible fences and accessories. In addition, the side and rear of the tables are machined and pre-drilled to accept the SABRE table extension.

Table Levelling Pin

The pin ensures the split sides of the table arelevel,and this system is not onlyaccuratebut is very quick and easy to remove and replace when changing blades– much more convenient than tool-operated locking latches.To ensure the pin is not lost, it is magnetic for easy storage.

Adjustable Table Insert

Levelling screws are integrated into the table insert to allow precise levelling and ensure it can be set flush against the table,or just below the table surface if preferred. This will ensure unhindered movement of the workpiece.

Crowned Band Wheels

Most bandsawwheels onlyhave flat profiles and flattyreswhich can lead to earlytyrewear and do not aid tracking. Crownedtyresor crowned wheels help the blade run naturally in thecentreof the wheel and raise the blade,tominimisecontact between blade teeth and bandsawtyres. On the SABRErangethis radius is machined into the casting to offer a permanent solution that cannot wear down and will remain consistent, even when changingtyres.

Inspection Windows for Easy Tracking

The inspection windowsenable the blade to be seen from the sidesofbothband wheels– making trackingthe top band wheelmuch easier than trying to compensate from the front of the machine.The belt position on the lower band wheel can also be easily seen.

Blade Speeds

The strength of theframes,theadditionalribbing and the dynamically balanced band wheels enable the SABRE range to run up to 1,000metresper minute – around 20% faster than most other machines on the market. This helps them cut faster and results in a better finish when using coarser blades,which are oftenrequiredfor deep material,to clear enough waste during the cut.

Offset Door Hinges

Even with the bandsaw positioned with the spine against the workshop wall, the offset hinges enable the door to open far enough to give good access for blade changes without the need to take the door off or move the bandsaw away from the wall.

Tillverkare:    Record Power

4 Recensioner
av kunder rekommenderar denna produkt
75% (3)
25% (1)
Vakaa saha
Sabren parhaaksi puoleksi olen huomannut erittäin hyvän ja vakaan pöydän. Terän vaihto on helppoa ja säätäminen kohdilleen tehty helpoksi. Pölynpoisto voi aina olla parempi mutta ihan kelpo se tässäkin on. Mitta-asteikko heittää parilla millillä muuten tarkka leikkuussaan ja toimissaan.
Jag rekommenderar
Loistava kampe!
Todella laadukas 14 vannesaha. Loistava vaste sekä monipuoliset ja helpot, työkaluttomat säädöt. Hiljainen ja värinätön käynti. Tarkka jälki. Varaa muutama tunti aikaa kokoamiseen ja säätämiseen. Hyvät ohjeet ja tarvittavat työkalut mukana. Vakiona 16 mm 4 tpi halkaisuterä. Suosittelen lämpimästi!
Jag rekommenderar
Erittäin hyvä vannesaha kaikinpuolin. Tarkka ,tukeva ja helppo säätää. Säädöt pysyy hyvin kohdillaan. Jämäkkä pöytä ja vaste. En oikein keksi tästä mitään negatiivista sanottavaa.
Jag rekommenderar
Laadukas kone
Vasteen säätö oli hieman työlästä mutta muuten helppo ja kohtuullisen nopea käyttöönotto. Laadukas ja jämäkkä kone.

Record - SABRE-350 14" (355 mm) bandsåg

€ 1749,00
Exkl. moms: € 1393.63
Nummer: 67500-EP
Beräknad leverans: 15-25 Business Days
Du kommer få 349.8 rabattpoäng
Miter Gauge for Sabre Bandsaws
Extra Table For Sabre 350 and Sabre 450 Bandsaws
Vannesahan terät - Englannissa tehtyjä laatuteriä (Leveys x Hammasluku)
Tillbehör Sabre 350
Lägg på önskelistan
Slutligt anskaffningspris:70
Endast för företag. Momsregistreringsnummer krävs.

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Leasingperiod 12-72 månader.

Leasingpriser är moms 0.

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  • Försäkringsbeloppet täcker värdet på avtalet (månadsbelopp x tid)

SABRE-urvalet av bandsågar är det nästa evolutionära steget från det högt ansedda och marknadsledande Record Powers högklassiga bandsågar. Vi har byggt vidare på framgången som vårt högklassiga utbud har haft, genom att introducera några fantastiska ny funktioner för SABRE 350 för att skapa en bandsåg som är mer effektiv, precis och enklare att använda än andra maskiner i sin klass. Med massor av kraft, enkel att använda och innovativa funktioner, är SABRE-350 det som gäller. De två tillgängliga hastigheterna är snabbare än de som andra liknande maskiner har och är perfekta för att skära ett bredare urval av virke. Den lägre hastigheten är användbar för väldigt hårt eller bräckligt trä. Cam-action staketjusteringen, fjäderladdade guider, cam-action bladspänningsutlösning och dubbelsidade staketmonteringar gör detta till en maskin som är så enkel att installera och använda att den låter dig koncentrera dig helt på projektet som du ska arbeta med.

Maskinen levereras med 12 mm universalblad. Vi rekommenderar att du har ett paket med skivblad av bra kvalitet som öppnar alla möjligheter som finskärning och rivskärning.


  • Levereras med 12mm universalblad
  • Maximalt skärdjup: 285 mm
  • Halsdjup: 345 mm
  • Bordsstorlek: 546 x 400 mm
  • Bordshöjd från golvet: 1 029 mm
  • Motor ineffekt P1: 1,5 kW
  • Motor uteffekt P2: 1,1 kW
  • Bladlängd: 111 tum (2 819 mm)
  • Bladbredd kapacitet: 1/4 - 3/4 tum (6,35 - 19 mm)
  • Bladhastighet: 440 och 1 000 m/minut
  • Utvinningsport diameter: 100 mm
  • Vikt: 116 kg
  • Storlek: H 1 892 x B 870 x D 656 mm

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