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Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX

Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX
Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX
Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX
Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX
Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX
Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX
Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX

Brand:    Festool

Type:    Saneerausjyrsin

D = Diameter / Size:    D130

Sort / Compatibility:    RG 130

Voltage (V):    230 V

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Festool - Surface-restoration grinders RG 130 E-Set DIA HD RENOFIX

€ 1096,50
excl. vat: € 873.71
Number: 576395
Estimated delivery: 2-5 days
You'll get 109.65 rewardpoints
Package products:
1 Festool - Timanttilautanen DIA HARD-D130 PREMIUM
1 Festool - Saneeraushiomakoneet RG 130 E-Plus RENOFIX OUTLET
Package contents
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Wall-to-wall floor sanding – healthier for you, cleaner for your customers.

Strengths and benefits

  • Robust, long-lasting surface-restoration grinder for removing stubborn tile and parquet adhesive residue
  • Outstanding dust extraction in combination with the CTM 36 AC RENOFIX mobile dust extractor
  • 1,600 W motor guarantees rapid material removal and working progress
  • Wall-to-wall floor sanding thanks to a folding brush segment
  • The additional handle and guide table enable comfortable handling
  • With DIA HARD diamond disc – ideal for removing old concrete, epoxy resin from solid surfaces or coatings/paints from concrete

Main areas of use

  • The specialist for diamond tools
  • The optimal solution for material removal during renovation and reconstruction
  • For removing concrete, screed and coatings on tough subsurfaces
  • For larger areas or selective applications on walls, ceilings and floors
  • The right tool for every application and every material: DIA HARD included with delivery, can be switched over to all other diamond discs in a few simple steps

Items included
Diamond disc DIA HARD-D130, front handle, flange set, KF-AG face wrench, hook-and-loop fastener KV-215 (pack of 5), Systainer³ SYS3 L 237, in carton

Warranty all-inclusive--> Find out more

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