WINTER CAMPAIGN - Selected Record Power machines and accessories with Special prices! - CHECK HERE
reunajyrsinterä HW D12,7/NL25 KL, tapitusporanterä HW D5 x 30 Z, urajyrsinterä HW D10/20 jossa poranterä, urajyrsinterä HW D18/30 jossa poraussärmä, pyöristysjyrsinterä HW D16,7/R2 KL, pyöristysjyrsinterä HW D25,5 R6,3 KL, pyöristysjyrsinterä HW D31,7/R9,5 KL, viistejyrsinterä HW D36/45Grad KL, reunaurajyrsinterä HW D40 x 4, sinkkausjyrsinterä HW D13,8/ 15°
Brand: Festool
S = Shaft dia: 8
Type: Jyrsinlaatikko
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Product added to cart! Go to shopping cart
Items included
edge trimming cutter HW D12.7/NL25 KL (491027), dowel drill HW D5 x 30 Z (491066), groove cutter HW D10/20 with drill point (490959), groove cutter HW D18/30 with drill point (490969), classic ogee cutter HW D16.7/R2 KL (491009), classic ogee cutter HW D25.5 R6.3 KL (491013), classic ogee cutter HW D31.7/R9.5 KL (491015), chamfer cutter HW D36/45° KL (491025), groove cutting disc HW D40 x 4 (491059), dovetail cutter HW D13.8/15° (490992), in carton
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