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Festool - Hole drilling set LR 32-SYS

Festool - Hole drilling set LR 32-SYS
Festool - Hole drilling set LR 32-SYS
Festool - Hole drilling set LR 32-SYS
Festool - Hole drilling set LR 32-SYS

Tekniset tiedot

  • Sivuohjaimen säätöalue 0 - 110 mm
  • Paino 0.9 kg
  • Reikärivin pituus (ilman jatketta) 1400 / 2424
  • Reikäväli 32 mm

Sisältyvät tarvikkeet

ohjainlevy, keskistystuurna, HM-helapora Ø 35 mm, HW-tapituspora Ø 5 mm (v-muoto), HM-tapituspora Ø 5 mm (jossa keskityskärki ja esiterä), 2 sivuohjainta ohjainvasteella, ruuvipuristin FSZ 120, 2 x Pitkittäisohjain, ruuvitaltta, koko 5

Reikiä sarjassa

reikärivi-ohjainkiskojen kanssa

Tuotteen manuaali

Lataa tästä tuotetta koskeva manuaali Suomeksi.

Huom. osa linkeistä ei toimi, koska emme ole ehtineet lisätä kaikkia manuaaleja.

Brand:    Festool

Type:    Reikärivinporaussetti

Sort / Compatibility:    LR 32

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Festool - Hole drilling set LR 32-SYS

€ 671,50
excl. vat: € 535.06
Number: 576799
Estimated delivery: 3-5 Business days
You'll get 67.15 rewardpoints
Festool RahoitusPLUS - leasing
Monthly installment:17.38
Leasing time: 36 months
Final acquisition price:54.15
Only for companies. Requires VAT-number.
  • Minimum leasing amount € 25.70 / month.
  • VAT is added to the monthly installment and final redemption price
  • Leasing can only be granted to companies.
  • The customer must have the right to acquire / sign in the company.
  • After placing the order, you will receive a contract paper in your e-mail within 1-2 days, which must be signed electronically with your own online banking ID.
  • Redemption of tools for yourself after the rental period with a low residual value.
  • Standard leasing period 36 months, also available for shorter periods.
  • all leasing prices without VAT
Buy also

Holes in series.

Main areas of use

  • Complete range for preparing holes series with 32 mm spacing
  • Including dowel drill dia. 5 mm and clamps

Adapted for

  • for OF 900, OF 1000, OF 1010, OF 1400

  • for use with hole line guide rails

Items included
guide plate, centring mandrel, hinge location cutter HM Ø 35 mm, dowel drill HW Ø 5 mm (V-shaped tip), dowel drill HM Ø 5 mm (with centring bit and pre-cutter), 2 parallel side fences with adjustable stop, FSZ 120 fastening clamps (two units), 2 x Longitudinal stop, screwdriver, WAF 5, Systainer SYS 1 T-LOC, in carton

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