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Festool - Battery pack BP 18 Li 3,1 CI

Festool - Battery pack BP 18 Li 3,1 CI

Tekniset tiedot

  • Jännite 18 V
  • Kapasiteetti 3.1 Ah
  • Paino 0.4 kg

Maksimaalinen teho ja vapaus, kaikissa töissä.

Muodostaa langattoman Bluetooth®-yhteyden CLEANTEC-järjestelmäimurin Bluetooth®-moduuliin (malleissa CT 26/36/48 jälkiasennettava lisätarvike, malleissa CT MINI I ja MIDI I vakiovaruste) ja käynnistää järjestelmäimurin automaattisesti, kun kytket akkutyökalun päälle. Työkalun keveys varmistaa helpon ohjauksen ja käytön poraus-, ruuvaus- ja sahaustöissä. Aina ajan tasalla: LED-näytöstä näet nopeasti jäljellä olevan kapasiteetin. Integroitu kumikehys suojaa laitetta ja pitää sen paikoillaan kaltevilla pinnoilla

tarvikkeena saatava Bluetooth®-litiumioniakku (Li-Ion) kaikille Festoolin 18 V:n akkutyökaluille (paitsi TSC 55, CXS, TXS, ETSC 125, RTSC 400, DTSC 400). Bluetooth® mahdollistaa CLEANTEC-järjestelmäimurin automaattisen käynnistyksen, kun kytket akkutyökalun päälle (edellyttää Bluetooth® toimintoisen järjestelmäimurin käyttöä)

Brand:    Festool

Type:    BP 18

Sort / Compatibility:    3,1Ah

Voltage (V):    18 V

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Festool - Battery pack BP 18 Li 3,1 CI

€ 125,36  € 119,90
Price history
excl. vat: € 95.54
Number: 203799
Estimated delivery: 1-3 Business days
You'll get 11.99 rewardpoints
Festool RahoitusPLUS - leasing
Monthly installment:3.1
Leasing time: 36 months
Final acquisition price:9.67
Only for companies. Requires VAT-number.
  • Minimum leasing amount € 25.70 / month.
  • VAT is added to the monthly installment and final redemption price
  • Leasing can only be granted to companies.
  • The customer must have the right to acquire / sign in the company.
  • After placing the order, you will receive a contract paper in your e-mail within 1-2 days, which must be signed electronically with your own online banking ID.
  • Redemption of tools for yourself after the rental period with a low residual value.
  • Standard leasing period 36 months, also available for shorter periods.
  • all leasing prices without VAT

Maximum performance and independence in everything that you do.

Strengths and benefits

  • Communicates via Bluetooth® with the Bluetooth® module of the CLEANTEC mobile dust extractor (can be retrofitted to the CT 26/36/48 as an accessory, directly integrated into the CT MINI I and MIDI I) and starts the mobile dust extractor automatically when the cordless tool is switched on
  • Low weight for absolute ease and perfect handling when drilling, screwdriving and sawing
  • Always up to date: LED display quickly shows the remaining battery capacity
  • Integrated rubber frame for protection and setting down the machine down safely on inclined surfaces

Main areas of use

  • Ideal for all applications placing high demands on the ergonomics of the machine
  • Particularly suitable for less energy-intensive applications
  • Ideal for when low weight and compact size are required, e.g. when working with the BHC 18 hammer drill, T18+3 and C 18 cordless drills and DWC 18

  • Bluetooth® enables the CLEANTEC mobile dust extractor to be started automatically when the cordless tool is switched on (Bluetooth®-compatible mobile dust extractor is required)
  • Bluetooth® lithium-ion (Li-ion) replacement battery pack for all Festool 18 V cordless tools (except TSC 55, CXS, TXS, ETSC 125, RTSC 400, DTSC 400)

, in self-service display pack

Warranty all-inclusive--> Find out more

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