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Produkt lagd i köpkorgen! Gå till kassa
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Leasingperiod 12-72 månader.
Leasingpriser är moms 0.
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Om du vill använda din egen försäkring kommer leasingbolaget att kräva ett försäkringsintyg som visar följande:
The Woodcut Pro-Forme hollowing system is one of the finest free-hand hollowing tools on the market. It has a hardened M2 high speed steel cutter that is open on the side to prevent clogging, which is common with other end grain/hollowing tools. Its adjustable safety gauge determines the depth of cut and prevents dig-ins. Each cutter is both re-sharpenable using a diamond file and replaceable to ensure a long working life from these tools.
The straight shaft is the most frequently used tool, it will produce the opening and remove the wood down the sides and across the bottom of the vessel.
The 20" (508mm) spigot handle has a comfortable cushioned grip for long periods at the lathe and if required two handles (sold separately) can be fitted together for extra length if required. The Woodcut Pro-Forme is designed to hollow both side and end grain on green or dry wood. However, for an optimal hollowing experience, Woodcut Tools recommends the cutter is regularly sharpened and green wood is used. For guidelines on how to sharpen the cutter please refer to page 6 of the User Manual available for download, below.
All Pro-Forme tools feature a heavy duty 5/8" diameter shaft that will reach up to 10" over the tool rest.
The Pro-Forme starter kit includes a handle, cutter head and a straight shaft.
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Hallitie 16 | Rovaniemi | Finland
045 4903310 (10-15)
asiakaspalvelu (at)
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Ma - Pe | 10.00 - 15.00
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