BILLIG FRAKT till Sverige - från 90 SEK
With Tormek's patented KJ-45 Centering Knife Jig, you'll get symmetrical bevels with the same angle on both sides of the knife, regardless of the thickness or geometry of the blade. Whether you're sharpening a regular kitchen knife or a thicker, tapered hunting knife, you'll get the same results on both bevels of the knife without needing to reset the jig. The KJ-45 Centering Knife Jig fits most types of knives: household knives, chef's knives, craft knives and knives for hunting and fishing. It also works for the woodcarver's straight drawknives and the gardener's pruning shears.
When you mount your knife in the KJ-45 Centering Knife Jig, the knife self-centers in the jig, whatever its thickness or geometry. This means that the jig centers everything from the thinnest knives to knives with a thickness of up to 10 mm. It also means that knife blades that taper off from back to edge and heel to tip are centered in the jig, providing symmetrical grinding on both bevels of the knife. Easy setup, perfect results.
Because the KJ-45 Centering Knife Jig is positioned with the stop resting freely against the universal support, you are able to follow the shapes of the knife, always guided by the universal support as a reference point. This makes it possible to sharpen knives with different blade shapes, from craft knives to recurve knives and classic chef's knives.
The KJ-45 Centering Knife Jig centers knife blades up to 10 mm thick. You can sharpen knives with blades down to 60 mm (2 3/8") long and 12 mm (8/16") tall. For smaller knives, you can combine the knife jig with the SVM-00 Small Knife Holder, which enables you to sharpen even your very smallest knives. The KJ-45 Centering Knife Jig has an extra stop that makes it possible to sharpen really tall knives, such as cleavers. In combination with the US-430 Universal Support Extended, you can sharpen even taller knives or tools.
For knives with long and flexible blades, such as filleting knives, there is the KJ-140 Wide Centering Knife Jig, which stabilizes flexible blades for even and symmetrical results.
Tillverkare: Tormek
Typ: Våtslipsystem Tillbehör
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