BILLIG FRAKT till Sverige - från 90 SEK
Tillverkare: Rockler
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If you're drilling hinge cup holes for multiple doors of the same height, the JIG IT Deluxe Concealed Hinge Drilling System will save you loads of time. The system comes with a sturdy 36'' aluminum rail and two hinge cup drilling guides that slide along the rail to align with your hinge plates. Once set up, you can use the stop block against the top or bottom of each door to achieve identical results throughout any bank of cabinets. With no need for a drill press, you'll save both money and shop space. Each guide features an integral spring clamp that requires no adjustment, and holds the guide in place as you drill. The clamp also doubles as a foot that rests on your benchtop (or the floor) and provides firm support as you apply downward pressure with the drill bit. To support the outer edge of the door, simply use scrap blocks or Bench Cookies (sold separately). A long shank Forstner bit (sold separately) to match your hinge cup size is required to use the jig. Carbide bits are recommended. For fast and accurate installation of the cabinet plates from two-part Euro-style hinges, check out Rockler's lineup of JIG IT® Hinge Plate Templates. Available for many hinges, they make it easy to drill precisely spaced mounting holes in the cabinet. For tall doors requiring three hinges, an additional Concealed Hinge Drilling Guide (ROC537231) can be purchased separately and added to the rail.
(1) 36'' Aluminum Rail
(2) Hinge cup drilling templates
(2) Clamp bases
(1) Drilling shroud
(1) Stop collar
(1) Spring
(1) Hardware pack
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045 4903310 (10-15)
asiakaspalvelu (at)
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Ma - Pe | 10.00 - 15.00
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