BILLIG FRAKT till Sverige - från 90 SEK
The rigid, glass-reinforced resin body consists of upper and lower halves and provides 200mm of solid fence travel. Our patented incremental racks are installed where the halves of the jig meet, with each rack offering hundreds of teeth on a precise 1.0mm spacing. When the clamping knob is tightened, the teeth mesh, causing the fence and carriage to instantly "center up" on perfect multiples of 1mm with a precision five to ten times that of working by eye with a conventional ruler.
By adding a fence and a couple of simple fixtures (either shop-made or purchased as part of the INCRA Jig Fence System), the included 10mm box joint template and 12.7mm dovetail template can produce strong, accurate joinery on a variety of spacings. The 12.7mm dovetail template can also be used to make half-blind, through, sliding, or cornerpost dovetails.And keep in mind that INCRA Jigs aren't just for box joints and dovetails. The incremental nature of the Jig makes repetitive cutting operations such as grooving and fluting lightning fast and dead-on accurate. Adding a fence with a larger router bit opening makes it simple to remove material in controlled steps when doing everyday edge forming operations.
Though it was made famous by router work, the Original INCRA Jig's compact size makes it perfect for use at a variety of different machines, really anywhere you have a need for a sturdy, accurate, and repeatable fence positioner. Positioning the fence on a drill press table or re-sawing lumber at the band saw are only two of the possibilities.Tillverkare: Incra
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Om du vill använda din egen försäkring kommer leasingbolaget att kräva ett försäkringsintyg som visar följande:
The INCRA Jig that started it all more than twenty years ago has been reissued, and the same qualities that made it such a knockout then are still relevant in workshops today. The only two moving parts are the locking knob and the single-piece upper carriage. It's as simple and reliable as your favorite hammer, yet it indexes on 1.0mm increments with the same +/-0.03mm positioning accuracy and repeatability of our top-of-the-line LS Positioners.
Only the Jig, fence not included!
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