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MAUS - Xtin Klein Unique Active Potassium-Based Aerosol Fire Extinguisher

MAUS - Xtin Klein Unique Active Potassium-Based Aerosol Fire Extinguisher
MAUS - Xtin Klein Unique Active Potassium-Based Aerosol Fire Extinguisher
MAUS - Xtin Klein Unique Active Potassium-Based Aerosol Fire Extinguisher

Tillverkare:    MAUS

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MAUS - Xtin Klein Unique Active Potassium-Based Aerosol Fire Extinguisher

€ 85,90
Exkl. moms: € 69.27
Nummer: 1001-1
Beräknad leverans: 1-3 dagar
Du kommer få 17.18 rabattpoäng
Lägg på önskelistan
Slutligt anskaffningspris:70
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The Maus Xtin fire extinguisher is a Revolution In Fire Safety
MAUS uses an innovative active potassium-based formula to effectively extinguish a fire while leaving no extinguishing residues, causing no damage to engine, electrical or electronic devices.

The key to fire safety is the response time. How long it takes you to react and start fighting the fire which depends on:
1. Accessibility (how fast you can get hold of a fire extinguisher)
2. Ease of use (can you use the fire extinguisher when you find it).
MAUS has created an extremely efficient product, which is so easy to use: - pull the pin, point and press the start button
MAUS is extremely portable and it includes a wall mount that can be easily mounted in your home, car, boat, camper. It will fit it in your car glove compartment, remember it is the size of a pepper grinder or the pocket of your rucksack.

The effectiveness and usability of the MAUS extinguisher is valued by many leading organizations in Sweden that have the highest requirements for fire safety including The Police, Bomb Squad, Ambulance, PostNord (Post Office), Sandvik, Govi (Europe's Largest RIB boat importer), racing associations and many more.

The warranty is valid for 5 years from the date of production (see marking on the extinguisher).

Maus has been certified by the Bundesanstalt für materialforschung- UND prüfung (BAM) In Berlin. Maus also has a CE certificate and has been tested by the Italian test body Rina s.R.L, which has been testing marine appliances since the 19th century.

Maus Xtin Klein is CERTIFIED by RINA in class B (liquid fuel such as oil, petrol and lighter fluid) and class C (gas fires such as LPG and ammonia). In addition to class B and C, it is capable of fighting minor fires in classes A (wood, paper and plastics), F (cooking oil and food grease) as well as smaller electric fires.
It is not capable of fighting burning metals and emergency flares.

– Included: – Wall mounts & screws, Instruction manual.
– Materials: Plastic & Metal
– Length: 24.2cm
– Diameter: 5.3 cm
– Weight: 480g
– Fire classes (according to certificate) B – Gas, C – Burning fuel (gasoline, oil, diesel etc).
– Works in : -28 °C-+ 48 °C
– Extinguishing time: 9 seconds.
– Extinguishant: Potassium mix (completely harmless and environmentally friendly)
– Throw length: 3 meters.
– Certificates: CE, Rina & BAM
– Recycle as “an aerosol”. when used

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