BILLIG FRAKT till Sverige - från 90 SEK
By applying pressure from the side, rather than from overhead, the In-Line Clamp stays out of the way as you work. A peg that fits into any 3/4"-diameter hole holds the clamp in place, so the In-Line Clamp makes it possible to get more from any bench with dog holes—or any work surface where you can drill holes. The In-Line Clamp also makes a perfect companion to the Mobile Project Center.
The In-Line Clamp gives you the helping hand you need, when you need it, with the versatility and power you want for a wide variety of do-it-yourself and woodworking tasks. The clamp applies up to 250 lbs. of clamping force, and swivels to clamp from any angle on almost any shape workpiece or assembly.
Tillverkare: Kreg
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Produkt lagd i köpkorgen! Gå till kassa
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Leasingperiod 12-72 månader.
Leasingpriser är moms 0.
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By applying pressure from the side, rather than from overhead, the In-Line Clamp stays out of the way as you work. A peg that fits into any 3/4"-diameter hole holds the clamp in place, so the In-Line Clamp makes it possible to get more from any bench with dog holes—or any work surface where you can drill holes. The In-Line Clamp also makes a perfect companion to the Mobile Project Center.
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Hallitie 16 | Rovaniemi | Finland
045 4903310 (10-15)
asiakaspalvelu (at)
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Ma - Pe | 10.00 - 15.00
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