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KREG - Insert Plate - PRS4034 Predrilled

KREG - Insert Plate - PRS4034 Predrilled

KREG - Insert Plate - PRS4034 Predrilled


Solid, Flat, and Perfectly Level Mounting Surface
This rugged 3/8"-thick phenolic insert plate is designed to provide a solid, flat, and perfectly level mounting surface for your Triton router. Measuring 91/4" x 113/4", it will accept almost any Triton router (even large, heavy models) with ease.

Predrilled Holes for Triton M0F001 & TRA001
This predrilled plate comes with predrilled holes and mounting hardware to fit Triton M0F001 and TRA001 Routers. With modification, the hole pattern also works with the Porter-Cable 7500 Series.

Level-Loc Reducing Rings
The plate is equipped with our Level-Loc Reducing Rings that allow you to easily change the size of the opening around the router bit. These rings simply twist into place using an included ring wrench to lock in level and flush with the plate surface. The plate comes with three Level-Loc Rings: 1", 13/16" (for use with universal-style guide bushings), and 25/8".


Undrilled and Predrilled Plates
The Precision Router Table Insert Plate is available in three versions, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Predrilled for Triton: This plate comes with predrilled holes and mounting hardware to fit Triton M0F001 and TRA001 Routers. With modification, the hole pattern also works with the Porter-Cable 7500 Series.
  • Undrilled: This plate comes without any predrilled mounting holes. Alignment marks engraved on the underside make it easy to center and mount any router using the detailed instructions that are included with the plate.
  • Predrilled for Porter-Cable and Bosch: This plate comes with predrilled holes and mounting hardware to fit the Porter-Cable 690 and 890 Series, along with the Bosch 1617.

Tillverkare:    Triton

2 Recensioner
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100% (2)
Jag rekommenderar
Hieno inserttilevy, tosi tarkka , ihan hyvä ja tarkka porattu Triton jyrsimille
Jag rekommenderar
Hyvä tuote
Tritonin jyrsimelle sopii mainiosti. Nykyään tekevät tätä mustana, sininen olisi ollut parempi väri, mutta jos tuo on ainoa moite, tietää jokainen kuinka laadukkaasta tuotteesta on kyse!

KREG - Insert Plate - PRS4034 Predrilled

€ 101,90
Exkl. moms: € 81.2
Nummer: PRS4034
Beräknad leverans: 10-20 Business Days
Du kommer få 20.38 rabattpoäng
Lägg på önskelistan
Slutligt anskaffningspris:70
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Supports even the biggest routers. Features Kreg’s Level-Loc Reducing Rings, which simply twist into place and lock in flush with the plate surface every time. Includes choice of predrilled for Triton (PRS4034) or undrilled (PRS3038). The undrilled plate is supplied without any predrilled mounting holes. Alignment marks engraved on the underside make it easy to centre and mount any router using the detailed instructions that are included with the plate. Size 235 x 298 x 9mm (9-1/4" x 11-3/4" x 3/8").

  • Measures 91/4" x 113/4"
  • 3/8"-thick phenolic insert plate
  • Comes with predrilled holes and mounting hardware
  • Designed to fit Triton M0F001 and TRA001 Routers
  • Level-Loc Reducing Rings
  • Available in 3 versions: undrilled, pre-drilled for Triton, and pre-drilled for Porter-Cable and Bosch

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