BILLIG FRAKT till Sverige - från 90 SEK
The Clamp Vise combines a 3" Bench Clamp with an anodized-aluminum plate that mounts to the edge of a benchtop to create a simple, highly effective bench vise. It’s great for clamping pieces on edge, supported by adjustable Clamp Blocks, and for holding large pieces on top of a bench like a traditional end vise using a pair of included Bench Dogs.
Thanks to Automaxx® Auto-Adjust Technology, the Bench Clamp adjusts to match the material automatically with a simple squeeze of the handles—whether the material is thick, thin, or in between. The clamp allows easy regulation of clamping pressure with a simple thumbscrew.
Perfect for sanding and planing operations
Includes rubber bumpers that keep your workpieces from slipping, sliding, and shifting
Attach Bench Brakes to the top of your Bench Dogs or directly to your work surface
Works with Kreg Clamp Trak and Clamp Plate
Tillverkare: Kreg
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Produkt lagd i köpkorgen! Gå till kassa
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The Clamp Vise combines a 3" Bench Clamp with an anodized-aluminum plate that mounts to the edge of a benchtop to create a simple, highly effective bench vise. It’s great for clamping pieces on edge, supported by adjustable Clamp Blocks, and for holding large pieces on top of a bench like a traditional end vise using a pair of included Bench Dogs.
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