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INCRA LS 32 Positioner Only
As the largest fence positioner of the LS family, the LS32 was designed specifically for table saw use in conjunction with an INCRA TS Rail System. It's a direct replacement for the Ultra positioners used with the INCRA TS-II and TS-3A Fence Systems, and when equipped with the appropriate sub base, the LS32 can also serve as the foundation of a super-sized, custom router fence system.
Now available in both metric and imperial versions, the LS is the beefiest positioner we've ever produced, with rock-solid fence travels of 17", 430mm, 25", 32", or 810mm. Lifting the red locking lever causes the patented steel lead screw positioning system to instantly snap the fence to the dead center of any multiple of 1/32" or 1mm with an accuracy of 0.002" (0.05mm). This allows fence positioning far beyond what's possible by eyesight alone, and fence setups are instantly repeatable. The integrated micro adjust knob allows moving between whole increments with 0.001" (0.025mm) resolution for total control over small fence adjustments.
The lead screw adds quite a bit of mass, and because it's used for both incremental positioning and the micro adjust, the LS has fewer moving parts than the previous Ultra positioner. Other improvements include recessed, "big view" cursor windows, a large micro adjust knob conveniently located next to the fence, and all of the functions are now controlled by a single lever. And, quite simply, the sleek design is a handsome addition to any modern shop.
Five Sliding Scale Template Channels All LS Positioners include a Primary Stainless Steel Scale, a "Floating" Reference Scale and an Auto-Centering Scale. The Primary scale adjusts on a magnetic track in the first channel to indicate distance from the cutter. The Reference Scale "floats" in a second channel to indicate distance from the last cut or any other reference point of your choosing. The Auto- Centering Scale (imperial systems only) fits in a third channel to Automatically and Effortlessly center your work for any operation.
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