BILLIG FRAKT till Sverige - från 90 SEK
To get right to the point, the new INCRA I-Box is the most advanced tool ever produced for creating a stunning variety of box joints & finger joints. Its revolutionary design allows faster setup, greater versatility, and improved user safety compared to traditional jigs. At the same time, it's easy to use and the included 1-hour instructional DVD covers everything from basic setup to advanced decorative joinery. This versatile design works on every router tables equipped with 3/4"x3/8" standard miter slots. We also offer unique I-Box Combos and accessories to get you up and running fast - box joint blades, gear for making wooden hinges, spare backer boards and more. |
The advantages continue far beyond the basics: I-Box-exclusive joints like the Center Keyed Box Joint can be used to produce symmetric patterns on any width lumber, allowing you the flexibility to create joinery that matches existing project plans rather than altering board widths to fit the limited possibilities of traditional box joint jigs.
The Splined Box Joint is yet another INCRA-only decorative joint that's guaranteed to add wow-factor to your projects, and the I-Box can even be used to produce an unlimited variety of classic dentil mouldings! Made in USA. |
Tillverkare: Incra
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The INCRA I-Box is packed with innovative features:
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Hallitie 16 | Rovaniemi | Finland
045 4903310 (10-15)
asiakaspalvelu (at)
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Ma - Pe | 10.00 - 15.00
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