BILLIG FRAKT till Sverige - från 90 SEK
Set included 3 files: S, M, Jumbo . Sizes in mm: 2,4mm, 3,2mm, 4,8mm
Tillverkare: Gurian
Produkt lagd i köpkorgen! Gå till kassa
Produkt lagd i köpkorgen! Gå till kassa
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Om du vill använda din egen försäkring kommer leasingbolaget att kräva ett försäkringsintyg som visar följande:
We exclusively offer the Gurian 3-in-1 fret file – which has been the industry standard for over 30 years.
These are the very specialized files with concave cutting surfaces – specially designed to re-create the rounded crown after a fret has been leveled (which leaves a flat spot that would kill tone, sustain and intonation).
These fly off the shelves and the manufacturer has a hard time keeping up, so if you’re looking for one of these, you’d best grab it.
Also, these are not some cheap-ass knock offs, but genuine Gurian fret files that have set the standard for over 30 years.
There’s a reason why this has become the industry standard for the world’s best repair shops, custom shops and guitar factories.
This is the only file that gives you:
"I’ve tried just about every fret file known to man, diamond and regular, from guitar supply companies and on eBay, but it all comes back to one particular file that works best and offers total control. While diamond fret files sound great, and do cut well and last long, there’s something about the lack of control – the inability to control exactly where on the fret it is cutting." - Bernie Tusko, -
If you can visualize the flat spot on each fret that the leveler has left, this particular file will begin by cutting the outer edges of this flat spot (usually called a “land”), and then work to a perfectly defined centerline (the very fine centerline of the fret). From this point, you just make 1 more light pass, and you’ve got a perfectly crowned fret that’s exactly the same height of all the other frets. All other files touch the center immediately and give you no way to tell how much you’re taking off the top. This makes for a less than precise fret job.
HOT TIP: On this last step, pull the file backwards 1 time for a super smooth, chatter-free finish.
(Text above quoted from Bernie Tusko, guitar expert behind with his permission)
- You can finish the frets with our Micro-Mesh -products.
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