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Arbortech Ball Gouge

Arbortech Ball Gouge
Arbortech Ball Gouge
104135 - Arbortech Ball Gouge

Tillverkare:    Arbortech

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Arbortech Ball Gouge

€ 175,00
Exkl. moms: € 139.44
Nummer: ART-BAL-FG-2000-60
Anländer: 02.04.2025
Du kommer få 35 rabattpoäng
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Slutligt anskaffningspris:70
Endast för företag. Momsregistreringsnummer krävs.

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The Arbortech Ball Gouge is a unique tool designed for power carving. It has a cutting ring on a 30mm spherical ball with a 90mm arm that attaches to any standard 100mm (4") or 115mm (4.1/2") angle grinder. The cutting action produces fine shavings rather than dust.

This ball gouge gives you the ability to make smooth hollows and concave recesses in spoons or small bowls and safely undertake freehand shaping and carving. It allows you to create an interesting, dimpled, chisel-like texture when moved across a wooden surface.

The perfectly engineered balance provides exceptional control and prevents dig-ins and grabbing. This offers greater control over the depth and final appearance of a project.

When in use the cutting ring is self-sharpening. While one side of the ring cuts, the opposite side of the ring is polished. By simply loosening and rotating the ring, you will achieve a freshly sharpened edge. The previously used edge then undergoes self-sharpening, more than doubling the life of the cutting ring.

Includes key for adjusting the cutter.

  • Carve smooth hollows in wooden spoons or small bowls
  • Attaches to standard 100mm or 115mm angle grinder
  • Ideal for small to medium free hand sculpting
  • Carves in any direction, easily hollows or undercuts
  • Create a beautiful chiselled texture on wooden surfaces
  • Efficient and high performance tool offering exceptional control
  • Anti-grab technology helps prevent tool from digging in
  • Self-sharpening blade, rotatable and replaceable long life
  • Max speed of 12,000 rpm

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