TALVITARJOUKSET - Record Power Winter Promo on alkanut ! KATSO TARJOUKSET
Create the perfect dovetailed recess or spigot with this specially designed turning tool. The profile is ground to 80° to match the dovetail angle of the Record Power chuck jaws, ensuring an accurate fit every time. Simply offer one edge of the tool flat against the bottom of the bowl and use the opposite cutting edge to create either a recess or spigot. The jaws will then fit the workpiece perfectly, ensuring the best possible grip is achieved.
Compatible with the outer dovetail profiles of the following SC1 and SC2 chuck jaws:
62303 40 mm Standard Jaws
62302 Pin Jaws
Compatible with the outer dovetail profiles of the following SC3 and SC4 chuck jaws:
62321 35 mm Standard Jaws
62313 50 mm Standard Jaws
62322 75 mm Heavy Bowl and Gripper Jaws
62323 Long Nose Jaws
62329 100 mm Dovetail and Deep Gripper Jaws
62317 130 mm Dovetail Jaws
62327 Pin Jaws with 9 mm Bore
Compatible with the inner dovetail profiles of the following SC3 and SC4 chuck jaws:
62322 75 mm Heavy Bowl and Gripper Jaws
62329 100 mm Dovetail and Deep Gripper Jaws
62317 130 mm Dovetail Jaws
Tuotemerkki: Record Power
Sorvitaltat: Kaapimet
Tuote lisätty ostoskoriin! Siirry tästä ostoskoriin
Tuote lisätty ostoskoriin! Siirry tästä ostoskoriin
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