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Mechatron - HF-sarjan Karamoottori - vesijäähdytteinen - 2,2kW - ATC-8022-30-ISO20

Mechatron - HF-sarjan Karamoottori - vesijäähdytteinen - 2,2kW - ATC-8022-30-ISO20
Mechatron - HF-sarjan Karamoottori - vesijäähdytteinen - 2,2kW - ATC-8022-30-ISO20
Mechatron - HF-sarjan Karamoottori - vesijäähdytteinen - 2,2kW - ATC-8022-30-ISO20
Mechatron - HF-sarjan Karamoottori - vesijäähdytteinen - 2,2kW - ATC-8022-30-ISO20
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Mechatron - HF-sarjan Karamoottori - vesijäähdytteinen - 2,2kW - ATC-8022-30-ISO20

€ 4490,04
Veroton: € 3577.72
Numero: 3492
Toimitusaika: 2-4 viikkoa
Saat 898.008 alennuspistettä
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The ATC-Series spindles have a pneumatic cone change for best use in part or fully-automated production processes. We ship with ISO20, ISO30, ISO40 and HSK25 interfaces by default, additional construction types can be delivered upon request. The ATC-Series motor spindles are the right choice when achieving productivity goals by automated tool change without any length measurement after the change.

Pneumatic tool change

The ATC-Series provide an automatic tool change suitable for your semi- or fully-automated production process. Several possibilities to optimize your cycle times are given through cone changes within the ISO-, HSK and Direct-Exchange technology interface.

Minimized run-out tolerance

Thanks to sophisticated production processes we achieve run-out tolerances under 2µm in the cone; this contributes not only to a reduction of tool wear, but significantly to the achieved surface quality of your work piece.

High rotational speed

High-speed machining is a modern manufacturing process with extremely high demands on the spindle. The ATC-Series contribute by delivering excellent machining results while preparing the technical base for future pioneering technologies.

The perfect match

Take advantage from our know-how. Every offered accessory is a perfect match for the spindles, enabling you to concentrate on the essential: Your production. Thanks to our suppliers we are able to offer excellent product and service quality.

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