10KK KOROTON MAKSUAIKA - Yksityisasiakkaille 10kk koroton maksuaika Svealta YLI 1000€ tilauksiin ! KATSO LISÄÄ
The µSpot Lens Upgrade allows you to reach up to 2.5 times higher laser cutting and engraving speed compared to the standard version of our new generation of PLH3D-6W-XF+ Laser Heads. Boosting laser cutting performance enables you to laser process a wider range of materials, particularly so in the case of textiles and films. It also simplifies reaching the lens for your lens cleaning routine.
Boosting the cutting and engraving speed by up to 2.5 times as well as expanding the range of materials that can processed with your laser, makes µSpot Lens Upgrade a highly pragmatic upgrade that can take your laser processing capabilities to the next level. The µSpot Lens Upgrade is carefully designed to achieve the best optical performance and the highest optical power output concentrated in the smallest focal spot size that is possible for a 6 W blue Laser Head. It also makes it easier to clean your front lens because all lens surfaces are easily accessible.
The highest power density at the focal spot for a 6 W Laser Head enables you to quickly cut and engrave various materials including plastics, leather, wood, textiles, plywood, balsa cardboard and paper among other choices. It also enables you to mark stainless steel. titanium and low heat conductance subspecies of steel. In the same amount of time, you can typically laser process 40 to 80% higher volume of materials. For more information, please check out a comparison with our PLH3D-6W-XF+ laser engraver.
Important: This is a lens upgrade for the PLH3D-6W-XF+ Laser Head, which is a different laser head compared to previous generations of PLH3D-6W-XF Laser Heads. If you would like to upgrade an old generation PLH3D-6W-XF please contact us using the contact form.
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