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Ramia Höyläpenkki - Hobby KID's 1000

Ramia Höyläpenkki - Hobby KID's 1000
Ramia Höyläpenkki - Hobby KID's 1000

The model of this height adjustable workbench for children is made of block laminated beech of top quality. Workbench is designed for children from 3 (4) to 12 years of age. This model is sold as equipment for nursery and elementary schools as well as a hobby workbench for private do-it-yourself enthusiasts. Thanks to the height adjustable legs the workbench is easy to adapt to the age and height of the child. The lowest working height of the bench is 620mm. Simple adjustment by 50mm allows for use of other heights 670mm, 720mm and 770mm. The workbench is equipped with a front and a side vice with a metal spindle and wooden guide bars. A decorative wooden key is used for easy opening. The workbench comes with 4 wooden bench dogs which cannot injure your child. The bench with 20 holes for bench dogs in two rows in cross arrangement to make the bench dogs usable for both work fields. In the leg section there is a shelf for laid down tools, products or toys. A loose blackboard (610x340mm) for chalk drawing is a practical accessory. The workbench is supplied in a dismantled condition with detailed instructions for assembly.


Total length 1000 mm

Worktop length 860 mm

Total width 630 mm

Worktop width 500 mm

Working height 620-770 mm

Worktop thickness 30 mm

Apron depth 90 mm

Front vise (size/capacity) 360x55/130 mm

Side vise (size/capacity) 360x55/130 mm

Weight 30 kg

Shipping dimensions 1150x550x140 mm

Tuotemerkki:    Ramia

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Ramia Höyläpenkki - Hobby KID's 1000

€ 610,98
Veroton: € 486.84
Numero: HB-CH1000
Toimitusaika: 4-7 Viikkoa tilauksesta
Saat 122.196 alennuspistettä
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Vain yrityksille (vaatii Y-tunnuksen).

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