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Mechatron - HF-Motorspindel 8022 air cooled 2.2 kW ER20

Mechatron - HF-Motorspindel 8022 air cooled 2.2 kW ER20
Mechatron - HF-Motorspindel 8022 air cooled 2.2 kW ER20
Mechatron - HF-Motorspindel 8022 air cooled 2.2 kW ER20
Mechatron - HF-Motorspindel 8022 air cooled 2.2 kW ER20

Our Mechatron air cooled HF-Spindles. These Spindles are driven by a variable-speed asynchronous motor which is known for its excellent smooth running and constant torque characteristics even at low rotation speed.

The cooling is assured by the integrated cooling fan with a low noise which is almost not hearable below 300 Hz. At 400 Hz you can compare the fan noise with the noise of a running PC.

Due to no external cooling aggregate is necessary, the air cooled spindles are dedicated for setting up a HF-Spindle system for a very low price and easy installation.

With a weight of only 4.8 kg, a shaft driven active air cooling, and an unbeatable price, this HF-Spindle is the first choice as light milling or engraving spindle for small machines.

This is our most powerful Air cooled Motorspindle. With 2.2 kW, this spindle offers a maximum of torque reserve which can be used to chip different materials with tools up to 13 mm thanks to its ER20 collet taper. For this spindle, no additional coolant aggregates are necessary because of the integrated fan. Thanks to the asynchronous drive technique, the spindle is running very smooth and quiet, up to 12.000 rpm a difference to water cooled spindles isn't even noticeable.


- HF-Spindle HFS-8022-AC ER20

- clamping nut


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Mechatron - HF-Motorspindel 8022 air cooled 2.2 kW ER20

€ 1142,40
Veroton: € 910.28
Numero: HFSAC-8022-24-ER22
Toimitusaika: Kysy toimitusaika
Saat 228.48 alennuspistettä
ER20 Holkit
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