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Mafell - Portable Circular Saw KSP 55 F

Mafell - Portable Circular Saw KSP 55 F
Cutting depth 0 - 55 mm
Cutting depth at 45° 0 - 42 mm
Tilt range 0 - 45 °
Nominal No. of strokes – no load 4400 1/min
Nominal power input 1100 W
Weight 3,8 kg
Universal motor 230 V / 50 Hz
1 TCT saw blade 160 x 1.2/1.8 x 20 mm (6 5/16 in.), AT, 24 teeth Ref. No. 092533
1 Parallel guide fence Ref. No. 201436
1 Hose connector for chip extraction Ref. No. 200042
1 Allen key 5 mm Ref. No. 093034
1 Mains cable 4 m (13.1 ft) Ref. No. 087323

Tuotemerkki:    Mafell

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Mafell - Portable Circular Saw KSP 55 F

€ 525,81
Veroton: € 418.97
Numero: MAF915001
Toimitusaika: 2-6 Viikkoa
Saat 105.162 alennuspistettä
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Vain yrityksille (vaatii Y-tunnuksen).

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Leasingaika 12-72 kk.

Leasinghinnat alv 0.

Mahdollisuus lunastaa lopussa omaksi loppulunastushinnalla, joka näkyy tuotteen kohdalla ja yhteenvedossa. Loppulunastushinta on minimissään 70€ alv 0.

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  • Yrityksen nimi
  • Vakuutussopimusnumero
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  • Vakuutusmäärä kattaa sopimuksen arvon (kk summa x aika)
  • Plunge Cut System with FLIPPKEIL
  • Rail for guided sawing
  • Long service life
  • Lightweight
  • At MAFELL you can find the plunge cut saw that plunges safely, because the riving knife is where it should be during plunge cutting: at the saw.
  • A 1100 W (1.5 hp) "MAFELL-made" motor is the heart of this portable circular saw.
  • The aim here was to design a robust, easy-to-handle machine for the joiner and carpenter suitable for everyday use.
  • The highlight: novel twin-located height adjustment, with which the machine can also be used as a plunge cut saw – the riving knife disappears into the protective cover when plunge cutting. Naturally the cutting depth can be set exactly with the scale.
  • Like all our portable circular saws, the KSP 65 F / 85 Fc also fit into the MAFELL guide rail system. As a package this is so reasonably priced that sawing without a guide rail will become the exception.

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