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Mafell - Carpenter’s Chain Saw ZSX TWIN Ec

Mafell - Carpenter’s Chain Saw ZSX TWIN Ec
Cutting depth 400 mm
Cutting depth at 15° 386 mm
Cutting depth at 30° 346 mm
Cutting depth at 45° 282 mm
Cutting depth at 60° 199 mm
Tilts in both directions -15 - +60 °
Nominal No. of strokes – no load 21000 1/min
Nominal power input 2 x 3000 W
Weight 24,2 kg
Universal motor 230 V / 50 Hz
1 Carbide-tipped ripping chain TWIN HM 400 Ref. No. 006977
1 Carbide-tipped fine sawing chain HM 400 Ref. No. 006972
1 Trolley ZSX-TWIN Ec
1 Glider for use with guide rail Ref. No. 205934
1 Parallel fence Ref. No. 204591
1 Combination screw driver 6 mm Ref. No. 093272
1 Open-end spanner 13 mm Ref. No. 093008
1 Mains cable 10 m (32.8 ft) Ref. No. 087612

Tuotemerkki:    Mafell

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Mafell - Carpenter’s Chain Saw ZSX TWIN Ec

€ 15176,38
Veroton: € 12092.73
Numero: MAF961601
Toimitusaika: 2-6 Viikkoa
Saat 3035.276 alennuspistettä
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Vain yrityksille (vaatii Y-tunnuksen).

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Leasingaika 12-72 kk.

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  • Equipped with two CUprex motors
  • Tilts in both directions
  • The new ZSX-TWIN Ec carpenter´s chain saw is a highly practical tool for large timbers.
  • By developing a machine with two motors, capable of producing very complex and otherwise laborious work easily and for a perfect fit, MAFELL has taken the chain saw to a new level.
  • With a nominal output of 3000 Watt, just one CUprex motor already tests the performance limits of the conventional 230 V power supply. Two CUprex motors running at the same time would bring a regular fused domestic power system to its knees. By dividing the load between two circuits, the twin-motor ZSX gets all the power it needs. A three-phase electric power system offers the ideal solution because the phases have separate fuses, so that the supply is not overloaded.

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