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Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla

Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla
Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla
Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla
Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla
Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla
Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla
Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla
tem Code D I L A S Z MAT RH-LH 791.010.00 791.009.00 anello di serraggio Stop collar 791.021.00 Hex key Conical STEI screw
8,73 10,3 58 6,35 2 HW RH   791.009.00 541.001.00     991.056.00 990.005.00
9,5 9,5 60 14° 6,35 2 HWM RH 791.010.00   541.001.00     991.056.00 990.005.00
9,5 9,5 60 14° 6 2 HWM RH 791.010.00   541.001.00     991.056.00 990.005.00
11,1 19 66,7 6,35 2 HW RH   791.009.00 541.001.00     991.056.00 990.005.00
12,7 12,7 52,4 14° 6,35 2 HWM RH 791.010.00   541.001.00     991.056.00 990.005.00
12,7 12,7 52,4 14° 6 2 HWM RH 791.010.00   541.001.00     991.056.00 990.005.00
14,2 9,5 50,8 14° 6,35 2 HW RH 791.010.00   541.001.00     991.056.00 990.005.00
16 25,4 68,3 9,52 2 HW         541.006.00 791.021.00 991.056.00 990.005.00

Tuotemerkki:    CMT

A = Kulma:    14

D = Halkaisija / Koko:    12,7

B / I = Leikon pituus:    12,7

L = Pituus:    52.4

S = Kannan halkaisija:    6

Laakeri:    Kyllä

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Lohenpyrstö jyrsinterä HW S=6 D=12,7X12,7 14° Laakerilla

€ 44,47
Veroton: € 35.43
Numero: 718.127.11B
Toimitusaika: 10-15 Arkipäivää
Vapaana valmistajan varastossa
Saat 8.894 alennuspistettä
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The beautifully crafted dovetail joint is a classic that appeals to both professionals and novices alike. Admired for its attractiveness in box and exposed joint projects, the dovetail is remarkably strong and functional. CMT dovetail bits are designed to fit all popular jigs including Leigh, Keller, JoinTECH and Omnijig systems. You are sure to find the bit you are looking for in our vast selection of cutting sizes and angles. Check the overall length of the bit before placing an order to be sure you get the size you need - CMT makes bits specifically to fit on jigs and routers that require a longer shank length.

SHOP TIPS: two passes are recommended when routing dovetails with a template. Check that the dovetails have been cut through completely and smoothly before removing the workpiece. For even easier routing and less stress on your dovetail bit, run the first pass with a straight bit. Use a dovetail on your router table equipped with a fence to achieve difficult chamfer angles.

SAFETY TIPS: if a dovetail bit jams while working, adjust the position of the bit in the collet and make sure the cutting depth is correct. Do not lift the router out of the template.

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