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Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä

Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä
Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä
Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä
Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä
Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä
Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä
Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä
A good router table not only extends the versatility of your machine, it makes repeatable and accurate work much easier. Using a table with properly guarded fences for your work can also improve safety. Our popular table has been upgraded in several key areas to provide even greater value for money.
The RT 3 F Router Table is a heavy and well specified accessory suitable for a wide variety of routers and applications. The heart of this table is its finely ground cast iron table which provides a solid and stable foundation for all functions. When you consider the weight, power and speeds of modern 1/2” routers the importance of a solid table should not be underestimated and weighing in at 54 kg the RT 3 F is one of the heaviest on the market, with the wide base and angled legs adding even greater stability.
In addition to the main cast table, there is a sliding aluminium table with cross cut mitre fence and hold down clamp for undertaking end grain work. The main fences can be set independently and feature micro adjustment. The table has three pairs of tapped holes so the fence can be easily repositioned to accommodate different sizes of workpiece. Also, when profiling, the fence can be reversed so the operator does not need to lean over the sliding table and can work comfortably from the other side of the machine utilising the main cast table itself. A dust extraction hood is fitted to the main fence and guard area and a no-volt release switch is included.
  • Cast Iron Table Size: 783 x 250 mm
  • Extraction Port Diameter: 57 mm
  • Weight: 54 kg
  • Size: H850 x W784 x D560 mm

Tuotemerkki:    Bernardo

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Bernardo - Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä

€ 778,26
Veroton: € 620.13
Numero: 14-2217
Toimitusaika: Kysy toimitusaika
Saat 155.652 alennuspistettä
Jyrsinteräsarjat 8mm Istukalla
Lisää toivelistalle
Vain yrityksille (vaatii Y-tunnuksen).

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Bernardo- Jyrsinpöytä valurautainen - liukupöydällä - 54kg

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