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AMB - 1400 FME-P DI - ER16 Collet 230V (EU)

AMB - 1400 FME-P DI - ER16 Collet 230V (EU)

The most powerful universal motor in its class with a total weight of just 1.8 kilograms and an input power of 1400 watts. This means almost 40% more power compared to the 1000 watt devices. DI stands for direct control via the controller. The speed required for the application can be selected or programmed directly there. This will reduce the noise; the duty cycle can be increased; the wear is less. Stainless steel motor flange with double bearings for higher milling forces - holder Ø 43 mm, so-called "Eurobund". In addition, the bearings are provided with high-quality seals for perfect protection against the ingress of dust. The motor, bearings and seals are designed for use with longer duty cycles. Problem-free cutter change - quick and easy thanks to the spindle lock. Speed ??preselection and soft start are a matter of course at AMB. The motor is insulated and offers maximum security against external influences. The electronics are perfectly protected against dust and external influences by a complete encapsulation - in comparison to this, other suppliers often work with unprotected electronics with a shorter lifespan. Electronic thermal overload protection protects against overheating. Original carbon brushes Made in Germany - with integrated shutdown. This prevents the collector from being damaged when the coal is worn out. Additional silicone cushions between the carbon and the pressure spring ensure a long service life thanks to vibration damping. Versatile application possibilities - for mounting in, for example: CNC portals (routers), routers, milling devices, drill stands, ... The collet holder ER16 corresponds to the industrial standard and is available everywhere around the world. Exceptionally slim design for the smallest possible space requirement during installation. The original Kress power cable module is technically unrivaled and enables the device to be changed directly on the machine. The power supply does not have to be changed at the source (socket). It's that easy. This means that several devices in interchangeable units can be supplied with just "one" cable. Exceptionally slim design for the smallest possible space requirement during installation. The original Kress power cable module is technically unrivaled and enables the device to be changed directly on the machine. The power supply does not have to be changed at the source (socket). It's that easy. This means that several devices in interchangeable units can be supplied with just "one" cable. Exceptionally slim design for the smallest possible space requirement during installation. The original Kress power cable module is technically unrivaled and enables the device to be changed directly on the machine. The power supply does not have to be changed at the source (socket). It's that easy. This means that several devices in interchangeable units can be supplied with just "one" cable.

Input power :1400watt
Speed :3,500 ... 25,0001 / min
Attachment to the portal :Collar 43mm
Collet :ER16-8mm
Weight :1.8kg
Mains connection :Power cord module 4m

Tuotemerkki:    AMB

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AMB - 1400 FME-P DI - ER16 Collet 230V (EU)

€ 605,88
Veroton: € 482.77
Numero: AMB6082806
Toimitusaika: 10-20 Arkipäivää
Saat 121.176 alennuspistettä
ER16 Holkit
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